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Old 02-27-2010, 11:22 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 117
veluchami is on a distinguished road
Default The ideal game mod...

1) Should be faceless
2) His presence should not be felt
3) Should step in 'only' if things get out of hand

These are my personal opinions. I dont imply anything against the current mod or NGD's way of dealing with moderation in anyway whatsoever.

I will explain each of them below with examples and give reasons why NGD's having a problem with moderation.

I have said 'faceless' because it avoids personal attacks. And separates the mod from his actions. A recent issue wouldn't have happened, if, the responsible mod didn't have a habit of talking to individuals (Hence the issue of the player pm'ing him asking him to make him level 50 is of his own making).
Being faceless, would prevent people from judging the intentions of the moderator or the qualification of the mod to moderate (like his age and maturity level etc...)
Mod-moderating is regulating. I don't buy the reason that he talks to people because he wants to compile the list of problems in the game. In that case he can call hmself a surveyor and not a mod. Besides, Thats what the complaint section is for. IMHO, NGD can start by reading that section.

I said 'his presence should not be felt' This is because people are suspicioius by nature. They think moderators are there to be intrusive and show big brother'ish attitude and take sides in a dispute. A moderator who remains faceless, doesn't talk, and doesn't interfere with the chat 'unless it goes beyond the limit'. Using your powers too often make them lose their potency. Its like in the US people dread murder as they are a rarity, whereas in Iraq its almost a daily occurrence and people almost dont give a shit.

Yes I agree it is difficult to not talk in the game that you love and not being able to play it. But, moderation is never an easy job. (And if you are not getting paid for it, as I glean from Znu's post, you are just wasting your time. Its not worth it)

Lets not turn this thread into a troll thread. I don't want this to be closed, just lets have a healthy discussion. If you think otherwise just post your points

PS: I still think we dont need moderation. But if we have no choice, let them be like this.
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