Originally Posted by Greyman_tle
I do wish NGD would post the lowest/highest pop for each realm over the last 24hrs....just so arguments like this would cease.
There seems to be a disconnect with some users complaining about 'realm balance'.
They say X realm is underpopulated when in reality their experience is based mostly on perception.
During the time that they most frequently play, their realm 'feels' empty or they don't 'see' many players. When in reality maybe only an hour ago it was the opposite.
Some form of usage chart, or activity graph would go along way to curing this discussion. That's also what lead me to the thought of a more dynamic balancing system that is based on the current number of active players.
To play the devils advocate for a minute, I too have been farmed by the syrtis zerg and found my self raging about 'Where the f*** did all these gelfs come from, we must be under populated'