Everyone should also consider that this game is played by people of many age groups, so ask yourselves: how would you react if you were, say 7 years old, and someone entered the game (that is in your language, and you have been talking to people in your language) and started writing gibberish (you're 7, how many 7 year olds understand anything but their mother language?). For that matter, how many 12 year old learn other languages?. I don't know in other countries, but in Argentina english is not usually important, it is just one more subject you have in school, just like history or philosophy. There are places to learn, but not everyone understands that english is the internet-language.
I just hope no one gets angry with me for discriminating small children, they just don't know better.
Errtu: brujurador/warjurer 42
Mystra: bruja/warlock 37
Wulfgar: barbaro/barbarian 27