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Old 04-11-2010, 09:48 AM   #15
Ertial's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Friesland, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
I just looked for ""Treaty of lisbon" and totalitarianism" on ixquick.com and found this really interesting video on YouTube, which shows some points of the contra Lisbon Treaty politicians.

Creeping EU Totalitarianism

You mention the Euro as success for the EU, but in the current crisis its not a safe currency. A lot of people who have Euro savings on the banks buy gold, silver or take up shares or exchange their Euros with a safer currency (USD, Pound, Yen is probably not considerable safer), because they fear a huge inflation or a worse bank crisis. The next months and next few years might be pretty interesting I think.
The Euro was one of the stronger currencies during the crisis until Greece turned out to have lied -- with help from the same American banks that got state support. If there would have been a tighter control from Brussels this would have never happened, or at least not as bad as it is now. Furthermore, I think it was either the French or the German government that said there had been people on the stock exchanges gambling on the fall of the Euro to make a good profit from it. They had spread rumours about the currency.

I find that video more creepy, or shortsighted, than the whole Lisbon Treaty. If Nigel Farage is the one that leads your movement you'd better jump ship immediately. I wouldn't believe a word he says, he's a true populist.

The secret Bilderberger conferences of the politician and economic elite exists really, that is not a conspiracy theory. And people can have doubts about their good interests...
Yes it does exist, of course, we know about it. There was no one saying the Bilderberger conferences are just conspiracy theories.
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