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Old 06-08-2010, 08:03 AM   #1
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Default Confused about mage armor

Hi there!

Today I've made some experiment with mage/warlock armor and results I had confused me a bit. The armor gear I've used to this experiment was:

Total armor points with that set was 438 -

I went to OC to check damages in fight with Ancient Sabertooth - normal hits were about 158-168 dmg per hit (dunno for sure, but they probably do the blunt damage - that tunic as we can see has Good rate for that type of damage).

In next step I've went back to my old, 38 level Dark Arch Mage tunic, which has theoretically lower armor, but the same Good rate for blunt damage:

With that tunic, my total armor points grown up to 463 -

Many people say, that armor points in character window are bugged and doesn't show the real armor points. Ok, so I've decide to test in on the same Ancient Sabertooth. Here are results:
- normal hits were about 128-144 dmg per hit (much lower than with 50 level tunic).

Some people would say, that this 38 level tunic has +5 const bonus, so this is probably why that tunic has better armor. But it's not true - I have the same special Dark Arch Mage tunic, but with +3% fire resist and it also gives the same armor points. This weird situation is not only "between" that 2 tunics - I have also a few Winged Death tunic with +4 const bonus, which has about +24 more armor than Dark Arch Mage tunic, but in the same time it gives in total much lower armor (it was also tested with Beastly Yeties, much lower damages with Dark Arch Mage one). As we know from Wiki, tunics give a 50% protection for mages, so theoretically their armor should be the most important in total armor points.

Maybe you know how does it work?
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