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Old 07-15-2010, 09:56 PM   #18
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,452
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Originally Posted by Pizdzius View Post
has to learn a bit of programming
No, you have to learn some one line comands to do most stuff as root. And those needed to fix common problems are already put in blogs, so all you need is to copy paste, if your system differs enough for that to not to work then that means you knew enough to change it, and know enough to fix it.

My programming skills are lacking at best (just a general idea about how stuff works) and i have been using linux since i was 14 or 15, when linux was less streamlined and i knew even less.

And I do realise it's easier, faster etc etc but I noticed every Linux user is making others use it too. Like a crusade or something, not always aggressive, but they ALWAYS try to convince others. I never met anyone who wouldn't ;p kinda like with religion ;p me myself, hate that approach. I was interested in Linux when I was oh so tired of win98. Then I met people using Linux, everywhere they were the same, very very very transgressing.
Some are just like jehova witness, usually the fanboys, they are like the script kiddies for windows, but not evil, just annoying as hell because they are different or hax0rs and using linux is cool or whatever.

See it this way, this is all real and did not read it on the internet, happened to me.

What the guy says: (My computer has some silly problem)| theres a virus coming out every 3 seconds | its really slow | the computer hangs after boot | it doesnt boot (without any kind of proper info shown) | x program crashes at startup (no way to get proper info either) | i forgot my admin password (why everyone runs win as admin anyway?, i know you dont, you told me) | how do i pirate the antivirus? | how do i pirate this thing i need to keep windows from slowing even more? | where do i download drivers for one of the thousands of pieces out in the market?

What i understand: I suffer from thousand of pointless problems and i waste a lot of time fixing random stuff.

What i say: Use a proper OS.

What they say: I dont know how to do that | its too hard for me | whats that | i aint a programmer | but its free? lol, what a shit | yeah but windows is free (almost everyone at my class believed this, except me and one or two more, I lol'd so hard that the teacher started laughing too) and finally the only legit one | i use it only to chat and play games.

What i understand: the computer is a tool but im not going to fucking learn to use it, you do know, so you waste your time dealing with problems of my decision.

What i say: Format | i dont know | bring it to the pc store. | haha, so? ( forgot my admin password) | go google it. | uninstall minesweeper.

I propose switching to linux only to people coming to me with problems heavily related to windows,

I dont mind telling them how to use some software or how do something in excel or that the files in the usb dont work because she only copied the direct links.

I already told them about the fix, if you dont want to do the proper thing, then dont want me to spend 2 o more hours doing a shitty fix for you. Its like all the windows users come to me to pester me with their unfixable and utterly ridiculous (virus removed my music documents, real one too) problems, maybe i should wear a t-shirt that reads 'im not fixing your pc'.

*I dont even mention linux then. That would be like offering a handgun to a costumer who just wants a car, windows is awesome at that, keep using it in that case.
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