Originally Posted by theotherhiveking
There are people who have paid lots of money to level, pimp up, empower their non mage classes, and then they find the get pwned by the premium warlocks, being premium themselves now.
So, i want to play, i payed for my barb, but i still cant play because there are premium mages around pwning me before i can even get close. Hence, ngd is 'stealing' from me.
Not only mages buy premium, you know.
Plus mages 'premium' its far more effective that anything that the other classes can buy, with a big difference.
Its amazing how one-sided people views are.
So, yeah, good update.
The attack speed formula was changed too, the bonuses still need to be doubled.
Are you sure you could pown mage that has 0% cs items? IMO 66% cs that I have -> 50% and still it would be enough to cc warriors and win, so that is not the problem.
I have spend maybe 50euros to my warlock and 300 to my marks, so my view is at least two sided :P
what happens to other classes and their as/cs items that do already less than mage items if system changes radically = they become far more less usefull than now