For those that say that a knight cannot block
Though it may have been better in the past, the class can still do it.
If you play with protector alone you will see how much a knight can block. I've been playing with protector 5 and low levels of precise block and though precise block makes a very small difference, protector on level 5 makes the knight invincible if he had allies around him
Basically I can't attack but if my auras are up and no one can kill me, the knight can easily fulfill its roll by shielding allies and tanking.
In every instance I tried this setup against many opponents they all turned out like what you see in the log below. Btw the log continues to have these blocks for another 40 or so seconds but I couldn't screen it all because it was too big^^ I get the same results every time I use this spell, this is just a screen of the latest amount of blocks.