No se porque responden mas al foro en ingles que aca. Pero antes de seguir spammeando lean esto que puso Chilko aca :
About terror: the stackable/unstackable feature is not elegant enough to our taste (some visual feedback issue).
We are pursuing the same goal, to allow characters to retaliate and not to be on the ground for long periods of time.
Also, you still get 3 secs of Terror invulnerability after the effect.
We want to try this variable duration concept do you mind trying before complaining?
About Shield Wall and Star Shield: From your feedback we came to the conclusion that users want more reliable powers to be used in a more reactive way. To us this is actually a BUFF not a NERF.
About Warrior's attack speed and damage: This is preliminary. we want to make warriors more dynamic (thus the increase in speed), we want to make atributes more important (formula change) and we balanced fast weapons (that nobody used because they had a balance issue in terms of DPS).
We may be wrong with our math, but this is positive balance.
Again, please try before complaining.
Lo que escribí arriba es solo mi opinión y espera ser discutida, corregida, contradicha y puesta a prueba. Una discusión es el proceso por el cual al menos dos personas aprenden algo nuevo.