i dont think cc should be any shorter, maybe in RvR its annoying, but i can barely hit 3 times in lvl 4 ambush in amun, and thats while standing still, because if i walk back i get a complete reload thingie, sure, 7 secs in long in RvR, but there are more dispells on their way after update, and otherwise you shouldnt be in front so you stand out if you get knocked, if you know you will die by the first ambush, i do however agree spells shouldnt stack, no knocks, no spells at all.
@ barya, stop whining that there is a way to stop you under UM, no spells should be like godmode, thats why they nerfed sotw, thats why ao1 doesnt soak dots, and im aware you can still get dmg and that UM can fail, but UM failing doesnt have anything to do with knocks, thats about NGDs RNG.
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52
One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight