mheh, been lvling my knight for nothing, and about first and second versions etc, thats worth pants to me, for my main class (hunter) i only saw my playstyle detoriate even more with the later changes(no, i dont have a friggin troll) even less range, hitting 150 on wild sabertooths, nty, i dont like them, for my lock, practicing on horus again, i got spare gear(mana etc) not nerfable, so i can drop my cs gear, and the gcd, well, use spells without a cc effect, shorter gcd, means you can still do a fair bit of dmg, wont differ to much.
@NGD, and whats with things like magn weps, i just got the lb for like a month, and now slow bows will be crap for hunter, and to find something thats worth a magn wep, and that someone wants to trade is very hard, will there be a option to make it a sb? Dont expect much of this, but its worth the shot >.<
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52
One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight