Theres wayy to much hate towards NGD
Well ive been looking around the forums for a while, for builds and such. It seems every thread I come across has some form of hatred directed towards NGD, mainly because of what people call. "NGD's failure to balance the classes". I don't think many people realise this but its not easy to balance out the classes, its not a case of tweak this here and that there and every thing is good. Theres always going to be someone feeling like their class has been nerfed so its not possible to please everyone. Regnum's community should understand this and at least show some acknowledgment if not congratulate NGD on its effort.
Theres far too much hate towards them and its just not fair. Changing classes the way people suggest them to would change the entire game's mechanics. They might essentially have to start some classes' skills from scratch if they apply the drastric changes people want. So please people, give them some credit they try their best and every game is "unbalanced" to someone, just try to acknowledge that.