Originally Posted by Necrovarus
I don't think you understand.
I think I do
Originally Posted by Necrovarus
What Shwish is saying that with the additional power and discipline points, players will have too much spells at their disposal. Setups will become less diverse and all kinds of class balance issues could arise.
No, what he said what that we'd need new spells. At least in the part I quoted, he might have said what you mean too, but elsewhere. But like I said, we wouldn't need new spell since there are no new ones accessible after level 37. And that problem with new power points can easily be avoided by
a) make the levels after 50 not give any additional power and/or discipline points
b) change the system so that you end up with as many points at level 58 (or whatever) as you do now with 50
Either way, raising the level cap would be pointless at best and eternal grinding hell at worst.