After spending the past two years gaming in WoW, three former players are back in the lands of Regnum Online, and content to be here again. I, my fiance, and two more members of the family are here again and having a grand time. Well, one new player, the rest of us are returnees. The game has, and hasn't, changed in two years! Some changes I frown at, others are great.
I've already seen a few names I knew from back then. (Wyatt, Compost, Znurre, WhisperQ) Would welcome a chance to chat with folks new to me, of course, but will give special smiles to people who were playing in RO Horus two years ago. No worries which realm, would enjoy word from all three! Besides, if you were in the wz back then, I likely ran into you.
Though you can now find all four of us in Syrtis, the three of us returning players were all in Alsius before: Llynnea, Breg, Phinneas. Hello to anyone who would recognize us.
Cheers on the new year!