Ultimately you're the one to decide if switching from wow to here is worth it. Personally, I would encourage you to at least give regnum a fair trial. As you've read, the pvp is far superior here. Unlike having to wait for wg to begin, people in regnum work with each other to plan fort captures, castle raids, and realm invasions. The schedule is decided by the people involved, not by a timer.
I played regnum for six months and for reasons that were less about the game and more about people I met in it, I left regnum for wow. Spent the last two years playing wow, and loving it. I always thought fondly of regnum, but wow had so much richer a pve experience. I liked the mechanics of it, the variety, the depth of lore, the size of the lands. Too much changed for both me and my fiance in the past few months. And the cost was a factor in a tight monthly budget. So here we are back in regnum, the two of us and another two members of our family who used to also play wow. We love it, and are having a grand time.
As for the money, yah you could easily spend fifteen a month in premium items. You could also have a satisfying experience without it. Harder, absolutely! Get to about level 12 or 14 and you'll start to see the quests don't make an entire level. By level 20, quests will only carry about halfway. The rest is grinding. Upside of that? Really lets a person learn the mechanics of his or her class, plus establishes working relationships with other players--a vital element to success in the warzone.
Good luck with your choice-making, and in the game! Hope you enjoy.