Originally Posted by 5yc01
Maybe the guys of NGD are wondering if in the next update will be available things that we asked.
even so, i think that is useless asking for what news will have the next update, we will see it shortly, and I don't think that this makes they work more about it.
I suggest to all don't ask more about the new features in the next updates, cause, NGD doesn't know it (they add the new features as they get it) then i think that it's better that we ask about the things that RO already has, for example: the chance of drop, the kinds monster's damage, the uses of the liders, the manganites's bug, etc
sorry about my english, i'm not sure about what i written it's what i wanna mean
First, this is something NGD did to communicate better with us. I applaud the effort.
Second , all the questions are valid and seek answers for long time issues and questions that have never been answered.
Third, the questions do not ask specifically about the coming update but NGD general direction and the way forward. Some of the questions have a much further outlook than this upcoming update.
I look forward to the answers this week. Hopefully next week most can vote for the UI improvement questions.