Grats on the weapon. That's a lot of time and effort right there.
Honestly I don't sell weapons I have. If it looks like crap, (1% armor or slash bonus, etc.) I sell to merchant. Though even 1% on as or cs can give an edge so I tend to store those for others. Basically if it looks like something useful/decent in war, and not something for my class, then I'll store it for clanmates first, and if a clanmate doesn't need or want it, then if I happen across someone who mentions needing better stuff, I'll give it to them. Same thing if it's something for my class that looks useful, but that I probably wouldn't use.
But then again, I don't collect mag either. I just don't see the point. Granted I'm lvl 47 going 48 now, but it's just too time consuming IMO to grind mags for a weapon that's really not that much better than a good drop. The -only- thing those weapons have going for them are the double sockets. I tend to give mags away for free to clanmates and folks I know. I don't ask for money or equipment though I'll take it if offered.
I'm just not the opportunistic type.