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Old 02-20-2011, 03:11 AM   #1
FlyingDeadBirdie's Avatar
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 44
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Default Low lvls in Warmasters

I would like to address a few concerns that I have for low lvl players like me. I have a lvl 38 conjurer that is 40k to 39. I have been uber lazy at lvling, but recently I started grinding more, hoping that I would reach lvl 50 by march. But now that warmasters will be coming out with a lvl 60 cap, I am afraid it will take me at least half a year, if not never, to level to 60. And by then maybe the lvl cap might be raised to 70! Also, if guards become lvl 60, then players like me won't stand a chance. We would get killed almost instantly. I thought when I reached 40 I could at least stand a chance and be a little helpful, but it now looks like my efforts will be futile. Of course, many people have told me that it's only the lvl 50s that matter at all. Because lvl 40s are weak compared to 50s. Now how will I even manage to battle lvl 60s? I'm quite sure that NGD has a new plan for lvling, so it might not be so bad for us, but I hope they haven't forgotten about players like me. Overall, I think warmasters will be great, I just don't want to be lvl 40 and feel like a lvl 20 again.
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