Lol, my luck
So I got home like 2 hours ago from class, and was like "w00t differential equations is over for today and 3 hours before I go to work. Gonna get on regnum and spend A LOT of money on regnum, buy A LOT of boosters and hit the grind." BAM! Servers down... again... Lol, my luck... Oh well, at least you told us that there would be "following hours"
Id be really appreciated if it didn't go down everyday, if problems continue... it'd probably be best to just back up the old expansion and give the new one some time to ripen.
Not bitching, just killing time
Horus: AKM lvl 50 Conjurer, Chiller lvl 42 Warlock,
MAK lvl 50 Knight, A K M lvl 45 Hunter