Originally Posted by Raoh
Syrtis (on Horus) was swept pretty quickly last night, and with only slight resistence. So next time dont make it so easy.
As there wasn't many on. I woke up at 5am to get ready for work, and I see that our gates are down. My friends list, consisting of mostly level 50+ players and some level 40+ players that are active in the war zone was near empty. Hence the "slight resistance".
Originally Posted by Raoh
The time a conflict is chosen has nothing to do with whether that conflict is flawed or not.
Then try an invasion in active hours? It's just not possible. As Znurre said, you need greatly outnumber your opponent in order to have a successful invasion during hours when all realms are equally active.
Originally Posted by Raoh
How that conflict is dealt with might be flawed, but the time it happens has zero to do with it.
The time it happens has everything to do with it. I guarantee you an invasion when all realms are active will fail.
Originally Posted by Raoh
Adapt and evolve to deal with it. Dont compain about it.
Adapt to what is unsocial hours for most us? Explain how, shall I sit on my computed till 5AM in the morning every day and wait for an Ignis invasion? No thanks.
On topic:
Congrats to Ignis. For everyone moaning about the time, we do the exact same thing, heck we set alarms to wake up for a planned invasion.