Originally Posted by Shining-Scias
It could be good to make the WM spells different between classes so it adds variety so we don't assist to the current WM clones.
Example, take away all the current beacons and teleports stuff and add for :
- Conjurer : +80% hp 10m area
- Warlock : Greater meteor (like evendim's) 10m Area damage + dizzy, 700 dmg
- Knight : +2000 hp 10m area buff (like the current def. beacon) or heavy +% resist damage aura (like suggested)
- Hunter : Teleports (like current ones but up to 20 people)
- Barb : +100% dmg (AND SPELL DAMAGE) 10m area buff
- Marks : no idea, they are OP enough anyways (just kidding)
etc for other classes...
Each one having 10min cd.
Just to give an idea...
Totaly agree with this suggestion
Just one adnotation:
-Teleport up to 10 people,beacuse some realm allrady have tons of WM;
-Barb upt to 10% dmg,beacuse you saw what did fulminanting that was only 15% or so,i am not sure.
But i think NGD will not modify they alrady wrote code..it's usual for them to not care about our suggestions.