This is a kind-of bad decision on NGD's part.
It seems like a good idea at first, and it is very gracious of NGD. Because this guy will be able to have 12 level 60s (6 on one server, 6 on another, since one account does multiple servers), all equipped with epic gear, mounts, and full gems in his weapons.
But the problem is: Platinum boxes. Someone with this amount of Ximerin can directly affect the balance of his realm by distributing massive amounts of magical and epic gear. I'm not complaining, just pointing out that wherever this guy plays is going to get literally flooded with items, because past some point he simply will never have any use for the remaining amount of Ximerin after he has done all that he wants.
Would be interesting to know which server(s) and realm(s) this affects. But I am glad that NGD is showing some more light-hearted actions.