Originally Posted by Zas_
What about two level 59 vs two level 60 warmasters, same class ?
Horn + beacons + better stuff on one side...
Ofc they are better, because they are higher. And they are higher because they worked for it. Why do you want to make lower lvl ppl equal with higher lvl ppl? Why don't you ask:
What about two level 50 vs two lvl 60 same class?
much more skills + better stuff on one side...
So nerf every lvl60 too? Then in next step nerf every lvl59? and so on, until everybody will the same as a lvl1? Why we improve or chars then? I just can't understand why everybody wants that a lower lvl can easily kill a higher lvl. What's the point then?
And one suggest for the teleports:
The main problem is with the teleports that it splits the zerg, and 10ppl zergs are everywhere, if you make it 60 min cd, it's ok, but delete 10ppl limit and make a 20 sec limit instead, then everyone can use it who want and won't split the zerg.