Originally Posted by Kyrottimus
But the biggest problem right now with all CC's (knock, stun, dizzy, slow, immobilize, freeze), is either their duration (too long) or their cool-down (too short).
Without a doubt it's the duration. I actually think if there were shorter durations and the current cooldowns stayed as they were, we would see a lot more fluid combat.
Along with that, when you have shorter durations you could theoretically get more teamwork, because there is less sustainability for each person. Right now we have something where one attack can become an opener for 3 other people. To me, it should roughly be the other way around, where people have CC's with short durations, thus need to combine them together (strategically) for good effects. Obviously people already combine CC's, and because of long durations these all stack with each other resulting in destroying your target.
If one man can paralyze someone completely for 8 seconds, then is it really necessary for everyone around him to be able to do the same?