Originally Posted by bois
The game was sped up. Resistances/ block/evade chance changed. This made the durations of CC now too long. It must be adjusted to suit the new environment.
I also mentioned 2 second knock. I sometimes don't like to use numbers (as examples) because it is a distraction from the principle. I used the example to show a principle. That principle was static knock duration with another component that scales. I am not suggesting this mechanism for all CC spells. Indeed some can still scale in duration. I am not suggesting a time either. The idea is to make all spells useful on all levels, try to eliminate chance % where possible and not make CC the defining and overwhelming component of any battle.
Right now CC is the overwhelming factor in many battles. Feel free to disagree. Should it be that way? Or should it be an equal partner component along with debuffs / buffs and normal damage ?
Should your base traits matter? Should your weapon choice? Armour? Skill set?
Like Seher said, should battles be scripted beforehand with the first salvo determining the whole fight, except for a dreaded interrupt like a resist/evade or block? He who casts first wins? Or, at every spell point, each player has to make a decision or is able to do so.
Not too many are going to like that, especially when they honed their spell sequences to fine quality.
CC's (in PvP, NOT IN RvR) indeed are crucial, But whats so bad about that? Creating more dynamics in the game can't be done with just nerfing I think there is a deeper problem. People who can't pvp (the majority of the people) want CC's to be nerfed jut too bully the minority of the people that actually do like pvp. If you take away the fun from hunting small servers will die, hunting is something you can do 24/7 if you like. For RvR you need lots of people to be online at the same time and they need to agree on what to attack so unlike hunting you cant do this whenever you like too ESPECIALLY on Small servers.Again if you ask me the majority of these nerfes are not needed this is NOT where the community asked for, There are zero threads where people complain about will domain being OP and there are zero threads about people complaining ambush is OP. Whats the point of nerfing them then?
And don't come up with stuff like Regnum is a RvR game, No, Bullshit, PvP is a part of RvR, it has been a part of RvR and it Will always be a Part of RvR.