Nvidia Optimus: Not detected.
I'm really, really shocked that I have not found this mentioned before on this forum except under linux. And even under linux MY mention is one of the very few. However, fear not THIS IS NOT A REPEAT QUESTION.
My wife just got a new laptop with an Nvidia 540m (Optimus) and she is using Windows 7. I'm really shocked because it seems that no matter which video card I try to run rolauncher under (Intel or Nvidia) it comes up in settings as unknown hardware. My wife, not being very technical is really not concerned with this as from her point of view the game runs fine and smooth. But from my point of view, I want her to get the most out of her Nvidia experience. Mostly the setting that seems to make the most difference is that intel only supports shader 2.0 and nvidia can support 4.0. But none the less I would like her to get the full experience from her card.
So, has anyone found a way to run Regnum off the Nvidia card instead of Intel when using Optimus?