Originally Posted by _Nel_
Nothing wrong here. It's the usual DPS of a barb with a slow weapon, especially if you combine all those powerful spells as you did.
No, it is not the same DPS.
level 50 barb was outdamaging a level 60 2H barb, doing 1k norms and 1.5k crits at "Fast" speed with
level 50 storebought weapons with no bonuses only two lightning rings and no other AS bonuses such as 10% possible from
two weapons and 5% from leggings.
As Daar said, duel wielding in its current state is rediculously overpowered.
In the attached screenshot, I attacked for only 3 seconds, which is barely longer than a barb hit with a "Very slow" weapon. Last I checked, level 50 barbs with very slow weapons don't crit for a total damage of 4.5k with just berserk, weapon magni and TFB. Norms are almost as bad - 3k total damage if none are crits, as much as a single hit from a level 60 barb with a Warmaster weapon and with Fulminating level 5. Again, keep in mind my level and very poor gear...
If this update goes live in its current state, it will be an insult to 2H barbs who have worked hard to get their WM weapons. They will be outclassed by their own class.
(Not to mention the balance implications.)