oh so thats the person i always see around cs. didnt know the forum name and char name (as i didnt bother reading it heh), nice vids btw, and as for some unfair fights around cs, i have to go help even if i don't feel like it, cuz you never seemed to bother anyone lol. least he never showed any fear about coming right back, and depsite pitiful mb on, he always dizzied of foze me, pretty sure the fights would have gone different if it was 1v1 though, as i notice sometime allies make some mistakes that could have cost them if not dispelled, or wasting a knock on me and such. they seem like a pretty good player, from a support conj point of view :P since i dont fight, i just watch them.
what recording prog u using..and what graphic settings?
as for themessenger = I R HAX, i dont think so, they talk totally different in my opinion, and like people said, they traded accounts.
Guess=Dispstick, IDK, i remember having fun pissing Guess off though. Boredom. They have no sense of humor.