Originally Posted by standistortion
Could just copy over the folder from the laptop, doesnt fix anything though. btw, win or linux?
I dont have a laptop that runs Shader Model 4 and that particular res only gets requested on SM4, on fixed pipeline i can play with my rolled back sdbs.
Im using Win XP for ro as on linux i have some troubles with key events. Might try to get that res requested on linux, maybe the same res is used for openGL and then copy it over to XP.
Edit: Worked to download those 2 on linux sm4. Something is messd up with my XP or my RO version on XP. Since the download probably was error free it must be something with inserting the entry into the databases. Anyways, ill copy the linux sdbs over now and hope that bug only appears for big ressources.
Thanks for your help evryone.