Originally Posted by Shrouded_In_Ice
Hey. I know you're still somewhere in your low 40's so your setup is gona grow in time. Its looking good so far. I would put as 4-5 points into acrobatics and get son of the wind (2 or 3) once your able to get your evasion to 19. SoTW has a horrible success rate but most mages are reluctant to attack you while the animation is running so its more of a bluff skill to honest.
Don't listen to whoever said Shield Piercing is bad because it isn't as bad as it used to be. Its a nice piggy-back skill on a short cooldown and the damage is decent irrespective of how bad your gear might be. Also put some points into specialist when they become available to you if you think you need a slight damage boost.
Put a point into dirty fighting and see if it suits your play style. The damage boost is nice when used with cold blood. If you think you need to, put another 2 points into confuse because it really is your win button especially when surprising an enemy.
I haven't played my hunter in a while so some of my advice might be off