Guessing this will be 'most anticipated' with petrol heads when news spreads. Plenty of footage on youtube, search for a recent build though (some good clips of build 108). I've not seen a clip that shows off both graphics and physics well though, both are very impressive.
The development model is... omfg.
Quote from
this beta review:
It's all quite simple; sign up to WMD, the somewhat unfortunate acronym chosen for Slightly Mad's World of Mass Development platform, and you're granted access to regularly released builds of the game, which you're then free to pick apart in the official forums. That feedback then gets absorbed by Slightly Mad Studios, a simple loop that means that, when the game is eventually released, it'll be as much a product of the community as it is of the studio.
There is a
price for the privilege, think you have to register on their forum to view it though:
Can CREATE NEW project-specific forum threads
Can PM developers
GAIN a dedicated sub-forum
Can ATTEND meetings
Can play ALL builds
Can access Game Scripts
Can CREATE NEW project-specific forum threads
Can PM developers
Can ATTEND meetings
Can play BI-WEEKLY builds
Can access Game Scripts
Can CREATE NEW project-specific forum threads
Can WATCH meetings live
Can play WEEKLY builds
Can CREATE NEW project-specific forum threads
Can READ meeting minutes
Can play WEEKLY builds
Can REPLY to project-specific forum threads
Can READ meeting minutes
Can play MONTHLY builds
25000 € (Senior Manager)
1000 € (Manager)
100 € (Senior)
25 € (Team Member)
10 € (Junior)
Really hope this development model works out, getting sick of the beautiful but braindead crap racing games have become. Getting paid to develop exactly the game users want could be a revolution in the games industry