Originally Posted by Kitsunie
All movement speed in the game is a percentage... applied as a*b*c type of formula, not saturative like damage maths. You can check this yourself with Defensive support, cast it and then Horn of the wind, but you won't run at 100% still even though Def support is -25% and Horn of the wind is +25%.
This means that Horn of the wind + Mobility gives 137% not the expected 135%. More examples:
Onslaught 5 + Horn of the wind + Spring 5 = 1*1.3*1.25*1.25 = 2.03125 (203%, capped at 50% due to the movement speed cap).
Caltrops 5 + Horn of the wind + Onslaught 5 + Spring 5 = 1*0.5*1.25*1.3*1.25 = 1.015625 (101%)
Mind push 5 + Spring 5 = 1*0.25*1.25 = 0.3125 (31%)
So to the above posters, it definitely does not work that way anymore. You can't cancel max slows even with all speed buffs. Just try it and see. ^^
So you mean that the speed additions are applied taking your current speed as a base instead of your initial speed? If that was the case, then it would be impossible to immobilise people using speed debuffs, but I'm certain I have seen knights who are immobilised or near enough immobilised without having been subjected to an immobilise spell...
Who is interested in some Amun testing, provided it hasn't already been done?