User disabled: Abuse of collsion errors (fort/wall/save)
Dear NGD,
When will you understand how stupid ban it is?
Yesterday, I was in Ignis with a clan mate and some low levels kept attacking us so we had to come close to the save. I see no reason why we are banned.
You should maybe ban theses low levels users for their smart move that is to res altar and not gate where there is "guards" to protect them. You should also ban the high levels that didn't help them at all by cleaning their inner realm from enemy.
Now don't tell me they are noobs or something, since the +18 yo certification step you, none can be enough idiot to don't understand what to do in a such situation.
You last old ban was about a "rock" abuse what made me laugh so hard... Seriously there is no rules around neither in forum or somewhere else and once again I get banned without any warn. I guess that was this GC who reported us... The dude watch us, but don't even pm us to tell us if something s bad etc... Aren't they supposed to be there to avoid that? If we get warned, we move away (even if we think nothing wrong but for respect we do it) and everything is OK.