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Old 07-04-2012, 08:52 PM   #17
ieti's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Posts: 1,374
ieti is on a distinguished road

Just be good and live in peace with yourself.

You can not generalize about pleople. Bulgarian is not so good word in some european countries, but that is thank to some not so good people too. I live in a country with 1300 year history. We are good and proud. Our land is beautiful. Our country is one of oldest in europe.

Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, Motenegro...things can be pretty much the same.

You live in a peacefull country with a good standard of live. Your parents and family have good jobs and provide you everything. You live good.

Some people emigrate to search a better life. Do not judge them.


@Henkiespenkiesjanhai you better stop with this, and better do not think like this. People are equal no matter where are born and where they are from. Noyone is guilty until proved else. Noyone is bad or lower than you.

Think about that.

You know nothing about what happened when there was war in Yougoslavia. You know nothing about what this people was up to. I know how in the summer when american planes bombed and sayed this bombs was normal. And there was a strange rain. And after this all crops and plants was without leafs. This happened at my village which is 30 kilometers from yugo border. God knows what else happened in this war.

I know how at year of 1990 we got empty shops and we waited with hours to buy bread and milk. We got hours without electricity. I know when 3000 or more of our currency was equal to 1 deuche mark. I know when people was angry and stormed our parliament and set it on fire. I remember when my grandmother came every day at school to bring me a food.

Think again before writing such words. People are equal. No matter of country.

Love your home, family and place where you feel good.

Be good to people around.


Sorry for this guys...
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 07-04-2012 at 09:21 PM.
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