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Old 07-06-2012, 10:56 AM   #31
Eyfura's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 150
Eyfura is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by jezaru69 View Post

came up with my own after looking at the ones you guys posted just a quick throw together setup got cat like reflexs in there but could move a few things around what do you guys think?
You need defensive buffs also to stay alive. Evasive tactics, acrobatic and strategic position are good. Also retaliation is nice spell, if you get shitloads of dots you can cast it and receive much less dmg. Without any defensive buffs you wont stay alive for long, believe me.
I also find son of the wind pretty important, I always use it at least at lvl3.

I also used to switch bow from fast sb to slow lb, depending of situation. If you do that, one point to rapid shot can be really effective at some situations.
Parabolic shot is kinda must-have for runners with passive range spell called "foresight" that you have already at lvl3. You can cast ethereal arrow or serpent bite from max range as they have "range 0".
Other nice dmg boost spells are imo Maneuver(for long bows) and Dead eye and "Specialist"-passive.
Because you are marks, for obvious reasons stay far away from Shield piercing. For marks it is bad. I am not sure tho what kind of damages dual shot does on marks because I have never tested.

Most passive spells are not worth the points, except at lvl1. Having omnipresent at lvl4 is imo waste of points. I dont think concentration is that effective spell. But anyway if you want passive concentration, better invest the points to "Sentinel" because it also gives small dexterity bonus.

Sudden strike can be also much useful, but I would not skill it higher than lvl1. But I have seen some people using it on higher levels also. For now armors are pretty important what comes to damage resists so reducing enemies armor points you can deal more damage.

Dirty fighting at lvl4 got duration 25seconds and recudes your range -50%. Tho it give nice damage bonus, but 25 secs is still quite long time. You can't hit enemy if he start running out of your range, tho you still can cast spells on him that have fixed range.

About "Finesse"... I personally think that is waste of points. But trying it by yourself you find out does it work and is it worth of 4 power points.

"Cat reflexes" I actually never tested but I could imagine it does not have very big effect. Therefore I would say waste of points. Maybe it works good if you also skill "Escapist". Lately I have been using that and it helps a bit imo. Some people also skill "Dodge" at lvl1 and combine it with "Escapist".

"Wits" gives intelligence. As far as I know it does not have any effect than give you few mana more. I know some people who use it but I wouldnt waste points on that, tho I have already enough mana :P

"Low profile" can also be life saver spell. I see archers using it a lot, when you fall behind others and enemy is about to kill you archers usually cast low profile, and when its effects is gone they cast son of the wind to avoid getting cc'ed again.

"Recharged arrows" is really must-have spell for every marksman. But I guess that you already knew it Always use it at max lvl if possible.

"Winter stroke" is also good spell. But if you use it at wrong time it can even save your enemy's life or annoy your realm mates. It can be also used to save your allys life if you freeze barb as example who has kicked down conjurer and is trying to kill him. That gives conju time to run away or use sanctuary.

"Serpent bite"... Last time I remember it had description bugged, showing it does more dmg at lvl3 than at lvl5. The description is wrong, lvl5 does more dmg.

"Ethereal arrow" is also nice spell. It got range 0 so you can use your max range to kill runners. It also always does fixed amount of dmg, so as example if you hit someone for normal hits of 250, then you cast ethereal lvl5 it takes 600hp away from your enemy. Very good spell against knights and steel skinned conjurers. "Arcana strike" works also good against steel skinned conjurers because it does only elemental dmg. I dont personally use that spell because I prefer to invest my points on something else but I have seen many people using it.

"Focus" is not so great spell imo. I rely on my normal hits more than spells. You can hit really hard if you buff up yourself. It also gives -25 movement speed which can be bad on open field fights and hunting.

"Lethal strike" is pretty nice spell too I think. Use it if you want to do high damage on one shot. It has also range 0 so you can use it from far.
//end of kilometer post

I know noobies need help to know which spells are effective and what is totally crap. I was also once new in this game and didnt really know what spells to use, had no friends to tell me basics so had to figure out everything by myself, so I took time to explain most common spells here.
Not saying only my style using them is right, but it works for me.

I hope this was some help to OP and also others who are new and need some guide
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