Originally Posted by trulyem
NGD, when will you implement the dual weapon animation?
I have ultra settings, all maxed, all checked no effects =/
This is available but it's half baked I believe. To get the weapon trails from elemental gems, you have to embed the said elemental gem in offhand weapon only. It won't work if you have done it in a mainhand weapon. It has been like this on live server ever since dual wield debuted, and I hoped it would be fixed in the new engine, but it's not.
However, there is a very dirty fix for this. It appears to me that the weapon stats and effects are somehow tied to the combat stance mode. So if you want to get the effects from a gem embedded in main hand, this is how it's done. First, equip one hand main weapon only, hit some mob, you will see the effect, then equip offhand, hit it again, you will still get the effect but you have to never get off the combat stance mode after this. If you relax your character, the effect is lost.
I hope they fix it so we get effects regardless of what hand we embed gem in.
And, this happens on my PC: Core i7 3.4, Nvidia GTX 460, 8gigs RAM, Win 7 64bit.