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Old 08-15-2012, 01:23 PM   #8
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Tamui is on spot. The poll was flawed from the start and I rather suspect it was done so on purpose with the aim of getting the desired skewed result. Your poll is invalid.

Besides, what is to stop a player from voting on both polls or even padding the votes with multiple account votes. Now you promote those warped results as some kind of evidence.

Besides, Swish makes a valid point. Because we want it , does that mean it is overall a good thing for the game? Why not make a poll for free horses and other things that players "want". I bet ya, you get 100% yes.

I'll be blunt. This thing stinks of a booster spoiled addict who is driven by selfish desire who refuses to consider the impact of their booster-lust on the game as a whole.

All of Horus got by without them and the game did not die. In fact it made better players because during the curve, they learned the game. Speeding up getting to the end content is not the way. Improving the quality of the journey, is. If you played 5 years as you say, you would understand this sentiment. In any case, IF you played that long and still cannot get a max level character or at least enjoy playing the game no matter your level, well I don't know where to go from there.

But like I wrote in the other thread, you are a blinkered horse. You can't be reasoned with.

TL;DR : You irritate me
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