My views of your list:
Originally Posted by Freeverse
+Regnum isn’t a pay-to-win game compared to other mmorpg’s
Agreed - Although paying does allow an advantage, it doesn't create huge imbalance. (Can't buy a dragon amulet for example.)
+hp/mp-potions can't be used during fights
Agreed - I find the ability to do this in other games retarded, they become potion-spamming battles to see who has the most to use.
+No crafting (I really hate crafting)
Disagree. Although I'm with you in that I'm not a fan of crafting, it would still attract more players I'd bet.
+Changeable setups
Agreed, I always hated the limitations one faces in most mmo's when it comes to changing skill sets.
+Large open world & free roaming
It's big enough for the small playerbase; though I wish it would be expanded sometimes (Maybe if the game ever becomes more popular(lol)).
+Grinding from 1 to 60 doesn’t take ages (again: compared to some other titles)
It does take awhile, but in comparison to other games you are right.
+Skills in general (although … too many fillers for some classes)
Eh. Too many must have's, too many never touched's. Too much CC emphasis (WM beacons aside), too many powers with random factors (I would prefer none of these).
+Lesser number of kids/trolls than in other mmo’s
Not exactly... very small community compared to other games; therefore with less players in general there are bound to be fewer kids/trolls (and everything else too.)
+No spammers & bots
Agreed; though they used to be a problem, I haven't seen any recently... except the occasional spamfest on inner realm chat.
+Only general/party/clan-chat in the wz
Agreed; even though I still think the move was just a ploy to sell war banners lol.
The most important one for me:
-Repetitive gameplay (just rvr or hunting …)
Yep. Only thing that keeps me going is different classes; but that requires more grinding (or more money.)
A few random others:
-Tons of unfixed bugs
Used to be ALOT worse. Still some of course, but it's, uh, getting there.
-Lack of balance (WM/dmg/speed/stuns etc)
+1000. Even before WM update it was nerve racking, but now I'm lucky to log off from anything other than ragequit.
-Lamai (it’s no secret: I hate lamai)
No opinion. I do wish ngd would've put more effort into their background, but whatever...
-Game world is … empty (just markets, forts, some ruins, bridges and trees,trees,trees,trees and trees)
Agreed. So much nothingness all over the place. Of course, can't go filling in every space either, or we'll need that map expansion I mentioned.
-Boss drop mechanism
Yep, more class imbalance.
-Useless achievements (I still can’t understand what they are for …)
Pretty sure it was just a cheap gimmick to interest newer players; I just ignore them.
Additional points of mine:
Easy to learn. (Not that I've had to learn anything in a long time...)
Focus on wasd movement (most games seem more fluent with mouse-clicking system, which I despise.)
Graphics/art style. Well, it is what they seem to put most of their resources into...
Good English translation. Trust me, some games hurt my head when I try to understand what nonsense their npc's are rambling about.
Lore/Story is just... bad. I will rewrite it personally someday if I have to.
Combat system involves too much LUCK.
Not enough low-mid level content; just grind -> The most BORING part of the game. Hell, not even enough end game content really. (Constant war only works with better balance and a higher average online population.)
Clans could provide a lot more than they do currently.
Invasion system promotes zerg tactics/INFADE AT NITE.
Lag (although it was certainly worse in the past).
"Dead hours", when there's nothing to do because you're literally 1 of the 3 people online in the entire server.