Originally Posted by Dupa_z_Zasady
It's simple guessing. If he had you on track quite close and suddenly lost you, and there are few obstacles around, there is a good chance that you are behind one of that obstacles.
was not what i mean, sorry, i expressed wrong
im not talking about a person who knows exactly where i am
i mean, track sometimes works even with obstacle, a guy tracks and turn himself on right direction, (even he he just dismounted or etc, situations that the enemy definetly doesnt know where u r, really).
im not talking bout 1 or 2 cases... that a guy was after me and bingo ...
ex. happeneed with me when there was a goat knight on a treehug, so i scanned to check for other acas and i got his tracks, this happened like 3 times b4 other acas came