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Old 08-01-2013, 10:14 AM   #1
Candyx's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 171
Candyx is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Stop mag trading. It's ruined Syrtis.

I know this is going to be massively controversial. Especially with the players who spend all day trading to increase their wealth. But can you turn off mag trading please. It's made the prices for items massively over inflated. It's made a proportion of Syrtis play solely to increase their wealth. It demoralises the rest of the realm because they can never really afford any good gear. Who on their own could have collected 3000 mag? Defiantly not someone who's started in the last 2 or 3 years.

The more people I speak to the more people agree with me. The mag trading was a good idea in theory. But the few who hike up prices make the hole idea of trading with other players seem completely impossible. If you drop a good item then you might be able to sell it to them and get a couple of hundred mag. But you still wont be able to get anything reasonable in return.

Regnum has a big problem with player retention. The in game society is defiantly not helping the situation. If players are happier to trade items then people will stay for longer because they have more of an incentive to do so.

So that's my piece. All those of you who have crazy amounts of mag, or really OP gear feel free to rage away.
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