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Old 09-19-2013, 02:11 PM   #1
Tamui's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Nowhere
Posts: 765
Tamui is on a distinguished road
Default So Long and Goodnight

Hello Regnum Community,

This will probably be my last thread I'd post and as you are reading this, this is another goodbye thread.

It's been only two years that I've played Regnum Online...what's the word? No-lifing? Or well, you get the idea. I do actually remember the 50 cap but at that time, I played like 2 weeks and quit.

Anyhow, I want to say thank you. It's been a fun experience,really. I've met and made friends with a few players and which I had the pleasure to meet two of them in real life. (I want a pool rematch Monday). The clan that I've began and only been with, Last-Alliance, are the only reason I've achieved a max level(well two) and which made me continue to play.

Despite any incompetence that I've encountered( or we, as a community) it's still was a very fun game that we stuck around till we could. So, really NGD, I do thank you for the game you've provided. It has been one of the three MMO's that kept me playing longer than 2 weeks!

Lastly, and I hope I haven't made the thread too long, is another thank you community that I've played with and against.I do wish to write a few of these down;

My dead clan - William Shakespeare. Noob- I mean rukker, or not, he taught me how to play Marksman. Whether I was horrible, average or good, I've lost my care for it.
Tjan, Quincebo, Shadow Figure(Ah \ spelt that wrong) and Kellindil are others of the clan which I've made great friends with.
Others great friends and people who I admired are;
Scias, Aari, ieti, Awrath, Pnarpa, Pauluzz, Dresdon, Zodar, Hollow-Ichigo, Erika, Hated, Surfacing, Phenonmenon(Malteseftw!),Monday, Martrim, Winter Mage, Asdaf, Healerous, Macimd, Bloody Bow, Saerolyth, Morfik, Lady of the Light, Epon, Skit, Aries,bois, Fireborn....I must have left others out.

Ah well, sorry for the long post. You may see me in GW2 or RuneScape.


Huntrare / Amelia Woodheart.
Suggestion Compilation! |The Story of Regnum! | L2MassResurrect
Huntrare | Amelia Woodheart
To play or not to play...

Last edited by Tamui; 09-20-2013 at 12:11 PM. Reason: I forgot to mention some people, sorry D:
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