I have been trying to logon to CoR on my new computer for multiple days now. I keep getting Authorization message every time i login. I checked which email you guys have under my account and yet when i check i never receive 1 authorization email. I have submitted ticked to both NGD and GS. NGD pretty much told me to try later and immediately closed the ticket (????) GS responded that you guys have trouble with Gmail and that it may block people from receiving your emails. They also said they could Disable the Authorization feature however its not recommended. I cant change my email to try and resolve the gmail problem cuz u guys send an email to change email
. So as im sure u can understand its frustrating when my account is NGD and u guys immediately close my ticket without the problem being resolved. I know your going to have me send a ticket, which ive done to no help so i resorted to posting here. Please some help would be nice. I can provide any information needed to confirm who i am.