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Old 03-29-2014, 05:19 PM   #11
Loque's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 347
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Ra is overtly bashed and hyped for no reason to be honest. I've been playing on and off for some days(years) and the (over)population is no way near to what it used to be, say one or two years back. I would call it a healthy population, as it's ought to be unlike Haven.

1) Ra has no realm chat, everything is with banners. Ironically enough I find it more peaceful and settling playing on Ra with more people without realm chat than less people with realm chat on Haven.

2) Language is not necessarily a problem at all, most of the time when you are communicating in English, if you have people around who can speak English, you will get a response and you barely run into silence. They even try to put in some whatever English they can find, unlike Haven where one non-English word and you would be scrutinized to hell.

3) Best part of Ra is you feel like playing a game, for the game, irrespective of names or realms, no matter what part of the map you are playing on, unlike Haven where people act like they run a bloody country with all the ready-to-gun unethical game breaking things thrown in for good measure.

4) Ra is less talking, less waiting, more playing, more fighting.

I agree to the merge of Haven with Ra.
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