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Old 08-15-2014, 11:39 AM   #11
Tamui's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
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Posts: 765
Tamui is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
That's to be done in-game. Here either you defend the whole set of subclasses as a team or nothing. Opinions that only take a point of view of only one class are not useful. The only valid individual point of view is enjoyment of playing, but always related to group play.

That's why most people get frustrated with changes: because they see it from an individual point of view. This game is about wars and allies.
I've given points to both perspectives.

It is quite impossible to avoid PvPs. I know, I know, RvR is the main thing, which is true, because those are the most memorable experiences, et cetera, et cetera.

In the PvP element; we Conjurers taken a big hit. Mental and Sorcery trees don't mix so well now. We have Staff Mastery, which is good, again, if you have the gear for it. But well it is the lesser part of the game. So I'll stop.

In the RvR element; We've taken a huge upgrade.

  • Heal Ally is upgraded
  • Regenerate Ally is upgraded
  • Mass Resurrection, hello?!

We're basically great Heal bots.

In all honesty, I'm not going to consider Mind Blank from a personal point of view. Same bonuses with a huge malus which is also repeated in Steel Skin? I'm better off spending my points somewhere else.

Note that the only CCs Conjurers have are shared with Warlocks. Conjurers don't have stun. Conjurers cannot freeze anymore either.

From a fort war point of view again.

Do you see any summons used in fort wars? How can I support my allies if I can even control my summon? If it can't even stay alive for more than two hits? That's a whole tree right there ignored, if not to hunt or grind.

Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
PS: And that "RETIRED" thing in the signature... c'mon...
So it means I cannot give my input based on my experience of playing?
Despite I'm not playing often, I'm still keeping up to date.
Suggestion Compilation! |The Story of Regnum! | L2MassResurrect
Huntrare | Amelia Woodheart
To play or not to play...
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