Originally Posted by -Aniara-
Pls grant access to both RA and Haven for all players ... Fair and would balance the player base over both servers ... Pretty please!
This is still as awesome an idea as it was the first time someone suggested it, many years ago. Problem is, the way NGD seems to percieve this, such a fix would mean 1/2 as many accounts, & so 1/2 as many toons to buy mounts & boxes for, & thus, 1/2 their revenue $tream (even tho it really wouldn't).
It's also a great idea because it empowers the players, allowing them a choice in what kind of server they wish to play on. Ra has too many ppl, Haven too few, at least atm. Ra has no realm chat in WZ & feels just as empty as Haven actually is, whereas realm chat in Haven is active & vibrant (flavorful?)...etc...
My advice?...