Originally Posted by Reuhman
imo, killing people that are standing/sitting afk at saves is as bad as camping them.
If you are in the WZ you are fair game. DON'T go AFK in the warzone. It's STUPID, and will get you killed. No matter where you are or what you're doing in WZ, you are fair game, and subject to attack without warning.
Simple as that.
And 'save camping' is extremely dangerous for the 'camper', so it's hardly an 'easy way to get cheap kills'. Often, chasing an enemy back to his spawn results in very large battles, which can be a lot of fun. Other times, when you pass close by a spawn, the same 1 or 2 enemy players will keep charging you again and again,making it very difficult to get away from the enemy save without the appearance of "Camping".