Recently, forum post-count granted me a "Baron"-title. Yay. A day later, 4 thread-posts are simply gone, & so is this title. Meh. Ah, & here's the real crux of my issue, but I've noticed this total-bs has happened several times in years past as well (& I'm not talking immediately, as routinely happens when a forum is being properly moderated, but instead, months or even years after my post was posted). Let me lay it out. I joined forums & began to 'contribute' in Oct, 2011. Despite all that time, effort, etc, the very oldest post of mine I can still find now on these forums is dated 8/2/2017. So, just where dafuq did 6-full-years-of-forum-posts + whatever else that's also went 'missing' since 8/2/2017 all go? Fair's fair! I really want to know! Damn it! NGD! WTF?!....