Originally Posted by adrianpf
Thanks! I'm insisting in the Inner Private Balance forums for this to be taken on
To resume: Knight endurance should be progressive (AoO should last more and protect less) so health goes down slowly but not fast when AoO finishes.
Knight sub-class is the most "near to balance" one, this feature I'm fighting for will make it near to that goal, and then some individual ally-aid skills will complete the goal!
well im not sure we'r mear balnace and about aoo
think aoo should get its duration longer but it doesent progress or something...45sec for aoo would be perfect
and shields r the category that needs most work cuz 1.protector is C R A P! 2.heroic presence is bugged 3.maybe the passives too but not sure...
and some slow slash weapons would be awsome