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Old 01-22-2008, 04:41 PM   #1
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Default I still feel I know nothing about the game..

Hey guys,

Wow where to start.

Ive been playing Regnum or a little over a week now, with my friend, both coming from Runescape.

We both jumped head first to Reghead first, without knowing the slightest thing about it, except perhaps that there are 3 kingdoms and the various character classes.

So now Im a lvl 16 Barbarian in Ignis (I had no reason for choosing Ignis, I had no idea what the difference between each realm was and chose through random clicking,) yet I still feel as though I know absolutely nothing about the game.

Only by reading the forums did I learn anything about the WZ - and still I hardly know anything about that.

Ive no idea what "Mobs" are, they seem to get mentioned quite often.

I was looking on the "Crier" section of Regnumzg, on my realm, Ignis, and it looks like Ignis only has 22 quests...Compared to the 40 odd in the other 2 realms...Is this true? Have I chosen a dud realm? (Please no "zomg Syrtis 4 lyfe!!!" or any of that junk)

Are there any realm guides available? Im stuck on what to do now.. Ive got no quests to do. Im currently at what I call the "4th" city (cant remember what its called, its effectively the city to the left of the volcano area with the beach) trying to get to lvl 17, in the hope of another trainer quest.

Ive been to the remaining 2 cities - Meleketi and the other one not too far away from it, but there has been nothing there for me - I presume Im not high enough lvl yet.

Sorry for the wall of text, but has anyone got any help, at all? Im at a loss. If I think of anythign else Ill add it it.

Thanks in advance,

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