02-08-2008, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Edge of the Abyss
Posts: 2,066
Originally Posted by Redsi
Lets start with (?) speed hack,mmm oki mybe is not speed hack but then is knight fastes class in game,ok let go on story
1. Hunter is runing from syrtis knight Boris,hunter have passive on 5 so 15 %,mobility on 5 so 25 % + escapist 40 %,knight is twice so faster and overrun´s hunter in few seconds like a jet
2. Hunter is with same setup,this time Boris is under confuse and starts to run ,and well he´s again twice faster
3. Question : is realy knight now fastes class in game ?
Now about selfcrashing
1. Hunter find´s syrtis barbarian Charlie Brown,fight start´s and when Charlie was at 20 % health and saw he will losse he desapired in 2 seconds
2. Read under 1.
3. Read under 2.
Well ... debate can start
There are many speed hacks for this game... i personally know of 5.... and the self crashing... this also is a real problem....